Colon salvage therapy for acute severe colitis: cyclosporine or infliximab
Colon salvage therapy for acute severe colitis: cyclosporine or infliximab
Current Opinion in Gastroenterology, 07/08/2011 Clinical Article
- ASC affects 25% of patients with ulcerative colitis and is associated with measurable morbidity and mortality.
- Simple clinical and laboratory measures predict steroid refractoriness (such as stool frequency 3-8/day and C-reactive protein > 45 mg/l on day 3) and salvage therapy is appropriate at this stage.
- Preliminary data from randomized controlled trials suggest that early (7 and 98 day) response to cyclosporine and infliximab are comparable.
- Serum trough infliximab concentrations may correlate with outcome.
- Sequential therapy cannot usually be recommended due to limited response (70% colectomy at 3 years) and high rate of serious adverse events.